Globally, construction accounts for approximately 38% of total carbon emissions. It is therefore critical that the industry embraces the principles of the circular economy, keeping materials in their original state for as long as possible.
During the demolition of City Place House, EC2 (which will make way for our 2 Aldermanbury Square development), the structural steel columns and beams identified as suitable for reuse, were deconstructed to maintain the maximum usable length of material. Once removed from site the steel will be tested, processed, re-certified and stored in appropriate conditions in the UK until such a time that it can be reused to form some structural elements on the 2 Aldermanbury Square project and the structural frame for our proposed development at 180 Piccadilly.
The overall carbon reduction will be quantified when all existing steel has been removed. However, comparing the carbon values of reused and primary steel demonstrates emissions of the reused steel is reduced by 99% before refabrication.
(Ref: British Steel EPD GWP 2450kgCO2/t against European Metal Recycling EPD GWP 47kgCO2/t – both for module A1-A3)
It is fantastic to work with a client who is genuinely putting carbon at the forefront of their decision making. They are committing to deconstruction rather than demolition and are working with the supply chain to test and refabricate the salvaged steel for use on a new building. This is a game changer and has the potential to shift the industry to do better things.