GPE announces the winner of its inaugural award program, the ‘GPE Future London Photography Award 2023’, Nico Froehlich, an emerging talent from South East London. Nico has been awarded the opportunity to have his portfolio - depicting authentic London community life - showcased in an exhibition at 45 Mortimer St, London.
The ‘GPE Future London Photography Award 2023’ was created by the London property development company to support emerging artists in navigating the gap between graduating and establishing a long career. As a result of working alongside artists in the highly competitive world of architectural photography, GPE recognised the support needed for young people when establishing themselves in the industry and forging a financially stable career. The awards program is an extension of GPE’s social impact strategy centred around supporting and celebrating the London community.
The winning photo series produced by Nico was in response to GPE’s brief to explore London’s communities and to capture how people use the spaces between the city’s buildings. The award panel felt that Nico’s submission intertwined the realms of architectural photography with a vibrant celebration of humanity.
The photo series will be showcased and put on sale at 45 Mortimer St, London, for nine months following the exclusive private viewing on 6th July 2023, with proceeds from sales of his work going to Nico.
We are delighted to be able to give a supreme talent such as Nico the opportunity for his work to receive the recognition it deserves. His work will be seen by members of the public as well as key members of London’s creative community - an important exposure boost for any artist to receive at such a formative stage of their career.
The stories told in Nico’s series have resulted in a must-see exhibition, especially for those who appreciate raw human storytelling and who love seeing London, its buildings, and its communities, at their most real.

This opportunity provided by GPE and facilitated by ArtAcumen to showcase my work championing everything I love and value about London comes at a crucial point early in my career as a photographer. It provides a valuable spotlight in a highly competitive industry. Being commissioned to continue creating work celebrating the rich variety and authentic elements of a city I feel intimately attached to is an honour and a pleasure. This form of documentation is an integral part of my practice, and as long as the city is in flux, I will never stop showcasing London at its best and most welcoming.

Nico’s winning portfolio of images can be viewed here: ‘Community & Spaces, by Nico Froehlich’.